Baptizing asylum seekers

Mandat de traduction allemand > français

Décembre 2020



What answers should be given to asylum seekers who wish to be baptized and thereby convert to Christianity? What is the link between their asylum application and their wish to be baptized? How to guide them through this process? What resources are needed?


15 pages

Targeted readers

Protestant churches
Keywords: principle of apostasy, asylum seekers, removal centre, candidates for baptism, asylum application procedure, guidance towards baptism, family circle, Bible reading group, prayer group, Sunday school, inculturation, refugee counselling centre, commission for cases of hardship, preparation course for baptism, coffee mornings.

My assets

I have been working full-time as a freelance translator since January 2016.

3 languages and 4 combinaisons : German <> French and English <> French.

My in-depth knowledge and experience of Switzerland.

The soft blend between my literary sensitivity and my fine-tuned understanding of scientific texts.

My keen efforts to use the most appropriate writing style.

My partnership with qualified language professionals for translations from French into English or German.

My applied knowledge of inclusive writing (should you be interested at all).

My knowledge and experience in the fields of addictions, public health, climate change and spirituality.

I am here to help
