The desire to have a child

German into French translation

October 2020


Ethical considerations

Whose desire are we talking about here? The adult’s desire to have a child? The desire experienced by the unborn or born child? Do the normative model of parenthood and the patriarchal order of our Western societies play a role in the way we perceive natural or medically assisted human reproduction? At what point should a living being be considered autonomous? What place should be given to the dignity of the unborn child?


2 270 words

Targeted readers

General population
Keywords: medically assisted reproduction, Swiss law, best interests of the child, prenatal life, stigmatization of unmarried couples, normative model of parenthood, principle of dignity and autonomy, objective biological life, subjective biographical life, life as Creation, predictability, birth rate, traditional patriarchal order, Creatures of God.

My assets

I have been working full-time as a freelance translator since January 2016.

3 languages and 4 combinaisons : German <> French and English <> French.

My in-depth knowledge and experience of Switzerland.

The soft blend between my literary sensitivity and my fine-tuned understanding of scientific texts.

My keen efforts to use the most appropriate writing style.

My partnership with qualified language professionals for translations from French into English or German.

My applied knowledge of inclusive writing (should you be interested at all).

My knowledge and experience in the fields of addictions, public health, climate change and spirituality.

I am here to help
